Last week I invited 3 stylists to come to the studio and talk about scarves and Christmas gifting. Here they are below – Claire, Fleur and Sara. Contact details are below so you can look them up.
@clairemcnestry_styling (on the left in emerald green)
@stylistfleur (in the middle)
@notesbyastylist (on the right)
I had never met any of these lovely ladies before and one is never sure how these events are going to pan out but I can assure you it was one of the nicest Fridays I have spent in ages. We were joined by Emma from Blanket Consulting who does the Cleverly Wrapped PR and also by her assistant Sophie and after a tour of the studio and a bit of a chat about the story behind CW we had a very chatty lunch (orange soup to match the orange kitchen and my orange shirt – what was going on there?), followed by a massive scarf try on session. Well we were surrounded by stylists!
Here they are all wrapped in the Cleverly Wrapped classic cashmere. Sara decided to go for two!
Being stylists it was interesting to see how they chose to wear all the different scarves. I loved what Claire did with the silk twilly by Bella Ballou below.
Here I am being given a friendly hug by Stylist Fleur! I’m wearing an orange and teal scarf by Duet and Fleur has got a Quinton and Chadwick zig zag scarf on. If you are wondering where Claire and Fleur’s dresses are from they are both from H&M. Great finds!
After Fleur and Claire left Sara very kindly agreed to stay on and make the Cleverly Wrapped Christmas Video. I had thought this was something that she was going to do and I was going to watch. Not so! Emma thought it would be much better if we did it together so we did! No rehearsals and shot totally from the hip! Here it is below.
While all this was going on my great friend Louise from @whitehousedesigners was busy doing a fantastic job at a pop up sale for me.
What a lovely feeling to be at home having fun while someone else was doing the hard graft. Got me thinking about the future!
Harriet x